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  1. Maistra
  2. MAISTRA-2646

curl from mesh2 to a imported mesh1 service is not working


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Done
    • Icon: Blocker Blocker
    • maistra-2.1.0
    • maistra-2.1.0
    • federation
    • None
    • False
    • False
    • Sprint 9, Sprint 10, Sprint 11

      I'm deploying the example federation script using two clusters on AWS.

      The mesh1 service is successfully imported into mesh2:

      $ oc -n mesh2-system get importedservicesets mesh1 -o json | jq .status
        "importedServices": [
            "exportedName": "mongodb.bookinfo.svc.mesh2-exports.local",
            "localService": {
              "hostname": "mongodb.mesh2-bookinfo.svc.mesh1-imports.local",
              "name": "mongodb",
              "namespace": "mesh2-bookinfo"
            "exportedName": "ratings.bookinfo.svc.mesh2-exports.local",
            "localService": {
              "hostname": "ratings.mesh2-bookinfo.svc.mesh1-imports.local",
              "name": "ratings",
              "namespace": "mesh2-bookinfo"

      However, a curl command from a mesh2 pod (in mesh2-bookinfo namespace) that tries to reach the imported service fails to resolve the host:

      $ oc -n mesh2-bookinfo exec -it sleep-6d646957b7-74psz -c sleep -- curl -v ratings.mesh2-bookinfo.svc.mesh1-imports.local:9080
      * Could not resolve host: ratings.mesh2-bookinfo.svc.mesh1-imports.local
      * Closing connection 0
      curl: (6) Could not resolve host: ratings.mesh2-bookinfo.svc.mesh1-imports.local
      command terminated with exit code 6

      This should work fine, right?

      Weirdly, the instructions in the end if the install.sh work fine:

        1. Run this command in the mesh1 cluster: oc logs -n mesh1-bookinfo deploy/ratings-v2 -f
        2. Run this command in the mesh2 cluster: oc logs -n mesh2-bookinfo deploy/ratings-v2 -f
        3. Open http://istio-ingressgateway-mesh2-system.apps.jwendell-33.servicemesh.devcluster.openshift.com/productpage
        4. Refresh the page several times and observe requests hitting either the mesh1 or the mesh2 cluster.

      I mean, I confirm I see the requests coming into the mesh1 pod. How so? Perhaps because connections are coming through an ingress gateway, whereas in my case I'm calling curl from within a pod?

      I've attached the config dump for the sleep pod (the one where I run curl from)

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            jsantana@redhat.com Jonh Wendell
            jsantana@redhat.com Jonh Wendell
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