Resolution: Done-Errata
OBSDA-527 - Enable Grafana support for cloud providers in Loki
With this update, Loki Operator adds support for configuring workload identity federation on GCP using the Cluster Credential Operator in OpenShift 4.17 and newer.
Log Storage - Sprint 262, Log Storage - Sprint 263, Log Storage - Sprint 264
As a LokiStack administrator I want to off-load GCP WIF configuration to the CloudCredentialOperator when running on a cluster that supports this operator so that I do not need to manually manage WIF credentials configuration on GCP and in turn a custom LokiStack GCP object storage secret.
Acceptance Criteria
- The Loki Operator offloads all Azure GCP credential generation work to the CloudCredentialOperator on OpenShift platforms with this operator available.
- The LokiStack administrator is required to provide only a very minimum S3 object storage config secret, i.e. bucketname
- The Loki Operator needs to declare in the ClusterServiceVersion provided for OpenShift the following annotation: features.operators.openshift.io/token-auth-gcp
Developer Notes
- Consider reading and understanding the recommended approach from this documentation: Google Cloud Workload Identity Foundation
- The Loki Operator needs to check (periodically) if the present APIServer supports the custom resource CredentialsRequest from cloudcredential.openshift.io/v1.
- For tenant modes openshift-logging and openshift-network the operator will create a CredentialsRequest:
- In the CloudCredentialOperator namespace.
- Provide a list of required GCP rights as listed here https://loki-operator.dev/docs/short_lived_tokens_authentication.md/#gcp-workload-identity-federation{}
- Reference a secret in the openshift-logging/netobserv namespace for the CloudCredentialOperator.
- Upon the CloudCredentialOperator providind the secret (that includes the project_number and pool_id, provider_id, service_account_email) the Loki Operator resumes operations as in
LOG-4546to connect configure Loki's GCP config for WIF.
- clones
LOG-6158 Operator - Add CCO support for GCP WIF for openshift-related tenant modes.
- Closed
- links to
RHBA-2024:143291 Logging for Red Hat OpenShift - 6.0.3