Resolution: Done-Errata
Log Storage - Sprint 261
Upgrade Loki Operator to use Loki v2.y.0:
- Create upstream-v2.y.0 branch on openshift/loki
- Add OWNERS file to upstream-v2.y.0
- Add OCP-based Dockerfiles for Loki and Promtail in upstream-v2.y.0
- Ensure image mirroring of v2.y.0 on quay.io/openshift/logging for Loki and Promtail
- Switch Operator references to use v2.y.0
- Switch OpenShift Logging 5.y (main) midstream to use branch upstream-v2.y.0 for Loki
- Sync upstream grafana/loki main into openshift/loki main
Developer Notes
- Link all Pull and Merge requests for accomplishing the upgrades in this single task and NOT on the subtasks.
- To grab Loki LogQL changes use a similar command as:
git log --oneline upstream/release-2.6.x...upstream/release-2.7.x -- pkg/logql
- clones
LOG-3704 [TEMPLATE] Upgrade to next Loki Major or Minor Release
- To Do
- links to
RHBA-2024:139731 Logging for Red Hat OpenShift - 5.9.8
- mentioned on
(6 links to, 8 mentioned on)
There are no Sub-Tasks for this issue.