Resolution: Done
Before this update, the Loki Operator overwrite any user annotation on the LokiStack Route resource caused user customization to be dropped. With this update, the Loki Operator does not overwrite Route annotation anymore resolves the issue.
Bug Fix
Log Storage - Sprint 257, Log Storage - Sprint 258
Goals : Add Annotation to LockiStack ressources
I have noted that, when you add the annotations after the route ressource created, it is only removed during the upgrade of the operator.
Motivation: After creating the LockiStack, i wanted to add annotations on route ressource created, and i want to keep those customs annotations even after the upgrade of the operator
Acceptance Criteria: Add annotations at the creation of the LockiStach
Risk and Assumptions
Documentation Considerations
Open Questions
Additional Notes
- is cloned by
LOG-5945 [release-5.9] Add Annotations to the route created by LokiStack
- Closed
LOG-5946 [release-5.8] Add Annotations to the route created by LokiStack
- Closed
LOG-5947 [release-5.6] Add Annotations to the route created by LokiStack
- Closed
- relates to
OBSDA-829 [LOKI] Add or preserve Annotations on LokiStack route
- Closed
- links to
RHBA-2024:137361 Logging for Red Hat OpenShift - 6.0.0
- mentioned on
(4 links to, 1 mentioned on)
Since the problem described in this issue should be resolved in a recent advisory, it has been closed.
For information on the advisory (Logging for Red Hat OpenShift - 6.0.0), and where to find the updated files, follow the link below.
If the solution does not work for you, open a new bug report.