Resolution: Done-Errata
Logging 5.7.7, Logging 5.8.0
Bug Fix
Log Storage - Sprint 245, Log Storage - Sprint 246
Description of problem:
The CA certificate defined in LokiStack CR at "lokistack.spec.storage.tls.caName" is not injected in loki-ruler pods but is injected in loki-ingester pods.
Version-Release number of selected component (if applicable):
Loki Operator 5.8
How reproducible:
Steps to Reproduce:
- Create LokiStack CR and inject a custom CA of the object storage at "lokistack.spec.storage.tls.caName"
- Enable lokistack.spec.rules and let the pods spin up
- Check the logs of logging-loki-ruler pods:
level=error ts=2023-11-17T16:18:04.95523774Z caller=compat.go:78 user=infrastructure rule_name=k8spspallowedusers rule_type=alerting query="(sum(count_over_time({log_type=\"infrastructure\", kubernetes_namespace_name=\"openshift-gatekeeper-system\"} | openshift_labels_cluster_name=\"tenant-10\" | message=\".allowed-user-ranges.\" | message=\".K8sPSPAllowedUsers.\"[5m])) > 5)" query_hash=383797106 msg="rule evaluation failed" err="failed to load chunk 'infrastructure/1ce7e214bf1b9dfb/18bdda184da:18bde1043d2:d8ac40e2': failed to get s3 object: RequestError: send request failed\ncaused by: Get \"
\": tls: failed to verify certificate: x509: certificate signed by unknown authority"
Actual results:
The rule evaluation failed as ruler pods are unable to connect to object storage because of certificate verification failure.
Expected results:
The CA certificate should get injected in logging-loki-ruler pods and the rule evaluation should succeed.
Additional info:
As the CA certificate is injected in ingester pods at /etc/storage/ca, if the CA certificate is manually made available in /etc/storage/ca inside logging-loki-ruler pods, then it doesn't work.
- clones
LOG-4830 logging-loki-ruler pods are not injected with custom CA certificate defined in LokiStack CR
- Closed
- links to
RHBA-2023:123712 Logging Subsystem 5.8.1 - Red Hat OpenShift
- mentioned on