Resolution: Done
Logging 5.8.0
OBSDA-344 - Audit log forwarding produces excessive data, configuration for prefiltering is needed
Release Note Not Required
Log Collection - Sprint 243, Log Collection - Sprint 244
Description of problem:
Create CLF with below yaml to filter audit logs from hypershift hosted cluster:
apiVersion: logging.openshift.io/v1 kind: ClusterLogForwarder metadata: name: http-to-cloudwatch namespace: clusters-hypershift-ci-20510 spec: filters: - kubeAPIAudit: omitResponseCodes: - 200 omitStages: - RequestReceived rules: - level: RequestResponse resources: - group: "" resources: - pods - level: Metadata resources: - group: oauth.openshift.io resources: - oauthclients name: my-policy type: kubeAPIAudit inputs: - name: input-http receiver: http: format: kubeAPIAudit receiverPort: name: httpserver port: 443 targetPort: 8443 outputs: - cloudwatch: groupBy: logType groupPrefix: qitang-audit-test region: us-east-2 name: cloudwatch secret: name: cloudwatch-credentials type: cloudwatch pipelines: - filterRefs: - my-policy inputRefs: - input-http name: to-cloudwatch outputRefs: - cloudwatch serviceAccountName: clf-collector
Then check audit logs in cloudwatch, the filters are not applied to the audit logs:
{ "@timestamp": "", "annotations": { "authorization.k8s.io/decision": "allow", "authorization.k8s.io/reason": "" }, "auditID": "7c8c453f-bf26-4619-8f8b-46bc7d082e5a", "group_name": "qitang-audit-test.audit", "hostname": "ip-10-0-86-156.us-east-2.compute.internal", "k8s_audit_level": "Metadata", "level": "default", "log_type": "audit", "objectRef": { "apiVersion": "v1", "resource": "pods" }, "openshift": { "cluster_id": "621172c6-bc72-45b0-91e6-45ffae8ce18b", "sequence": 141 }, "requestReceivedTimestamp": "2023-10-18T08:17:20.165324Z", "requestURI": "/api/v1/pods?allowWatchBookmarks=true&resourceVersion=216450&timeout=6m29s&timeoutSeconds=389&watch=true", "responseStatus": { "code": 200, "metadata": {} }, "sourceIPs": [ "" ], "stage": "ResponseComplete", "stageTimestamp": "2023-10-18T08:23:49.166758Z", "stream_name": "ip-10-0-86-156.us-east-2.compute.internal.k8s-audit.log", "user": { "groups": [ "system:masters", "system:authenticated" ], "username": "system:admin" }, "userAgent": "openshift-apiserver/v0.0.0 (linux/amd64) kubernetes/$Format", "verb": "watch" }
The logs from http receiver don't have filed `"kind":"Event"`, but in vector, it uses this field to filter audit logs:
[transforms.to_cloudwatch_user_defined] type = "remap" inputs = ["input-http_input"] source = ''' if is_object(.) && .kind == "Event" && .apiVersion == "audit.k8s.io/v1" { res = if is_null(.objectRef.resource) { "" } else { string!(.objectRef.resource) } sub = if is_null(.objectRef.subresource) { "" } else { string!(.objectRef.subresource) } namespace = if is_null(.objectRef.namespace) { "" } else { string!(.objectRef.namespace) } username = if is_null(.user.username) { "" } else { string!(.user.username) } if sub != "" { res = res + "/" + sub } if includes(["RequestReceived"], .stage) { # Policy OmitStages .level = "None" } else if includes([200], .responseStatus.code) { # Omit by response code. .level = "None" } else if ((((is_null(.objectRef.apiGroup) || string!(.objectRef.apiGroup) == "") && match(res, r'^(pods)$'))) && true) { .level = "RequestResponse" } else if (((.objectRef.apiGroup == "oauth.openshift.io" && match(res, r'^(oauthclients)$'))) && true) { .level = "Metadata" } else { # No rule matched, apply default rules for system events. if match(username, r'^$|^system:.*') { # System events readonly = r'get|list|watch|head|options' if match(string!(.verb), readonly) { .level = "None" # Drop read-only system events. } else if ((int(.responseStatus.code) < 300 ?? true) && starts_with(username, "system:serviceaccount:"+namespace)) { .level = "None" # Drop write events by service account for same namespace as resource or for non-namespaced resource. } if .level == "RequestResponse" { .level = "Request" # Downgrade RequestResponse system events. } } } # Update the event if .level == "None" { abort } else { if .level == "Metadata" { del(.responseObject) del(.requestObject) } else if .level == "Request" { del(.responseObject) } } } '''
In the origin log from hypershift cluster, the filed `"kind":"Event"` is there:
# oc -n clusters-hypershift-ci-20510 logs kube-apiserver-845984dd45-zdgqc -c audit-logs |grep pods |grep "2023-10-18T08:23:49.166758Z" {"kind":"Event","apiVersion":"audit.k8s.io/v1","level":"Metadata","auditID":"7c8c453f-bf26-4619-8f8b-46bc7d082e5a","stage":"ResponseComplete","requestURI":"/api/v1/pods?allowWatchBookmarks=true\u0026resourceVersion=216450\u0026timeout=6m29s\u0026timeoutSeconds=389\u0026watch=true","verb":"watch","user":{"username":"system:admin","groups":["system:masters","system:authenticated"]},"sourceIPs":[""],"userAgent":"openshift-apiserver/v0.0.0 (linux/amd64) kubernetes/$Format","objectRef":{"resource":"pods","apiVersion":"v1"},"responseStatus":{"metadata":{},"code":200},"requestReceivedTimestamp":"2023-10-18T08:17:20.165324Z","stageTimestamp":"2023-10-18T08:23:49.166758Z","annotations":{"authorization.k8s.io/decision":"allow","authorization.k8s.io/reason":""}}
Version-Release number of selected component (if applicable):
How reproducible:
Steps to Reproduce:
Follow the steps in https://polarion.engineering.redhat.com/polarion/#/project/OSE/workitem?id=OCP-67713
Actual results:
kubeAPIAudit policies are not taking effect when forwarding audit logs from AuditWebhook.
Expected results:
kubeAPIAudit policies should take effect when forwarding audit logs from AuditWebhook.