Resolution: Done
Logging 5.7.0
OBSDA-115 - Create alerting rules based on logs
Before this update, the LokiStack ruler did not restart caused when the administrator change the RulerConfig custom resource. With this update, the Loki Operator restarts the Ruler pods on RulerConfig changes resolves the issue.
Bug Fix
Log Storage - Sprint 236, Log Storage - Sprint 237, Log Storage - Sprint 238
LO does not reconcile loki ruler after updates are made to Ruler Config. As a result, for e.g. if changes to alert relabeling are made, AM still shows the pre-change data. Need to manually restart the ruler for changes to be effective.
Steps to reproduce:
1) Deploy CLO and EO
2) Forward logs to Loki
3) Create Alerting rules for a tenant
4) Create RulerConfig CR with alert relabeling configuration.
5) Query AM for alerts
6) Update some labels in RulerConfig
7) Query AM after some time
RulerConfig CR: http://pastebin.test.redhat.com/1097239
runtime-config before updating relabeling rules
— overrides: application: ruler_alertmanager_config: alertmanager_url: https://_web._tcp.alertmanager-operated.openshift-user-workload-monitoring.svc enable_alertmanager_v2: true enable_alertmanager_discovery: true alertmanager_refresh_interval: 1m alertmanager_client: tls_ca_path: /var/run/ca/alertmanager/service-ca.crt tls_server_name: alertmanager-user-workload.openshift-user-workload-monitoring.svc.cluster.local type: Bearer credentials_file: /var/run/secrets/kubernetes.io/serviceaccount/token alert_relabel_configs: - source_labels: ["severity"] regex: info action: replace separator: ; replacement: critical target_label: severity
runtime-config after updating relabeling rules.
— overrides: application: ruler_alertmanager_config: alertmanager_url: https://_web._tcp.alertmanager-operated.openshift-user-workload-monitoring.svc enable_alertmanager_v2: true enable_alertmanager_discovery: true alertmanager_refresh_interval: 1m alertmanager_client: tls_ca_path: /var/run/ca/alertmanager/service-ca.crt tls_server_name: alertmanager-user-workload.openshift-user-workload-monitoring.svc.cluster.local type: Bearer credentials_file: /var/run/secrets/kubernetes.io/serviceaccount/token alert_relabel_configs: - source_labels: ["severity","project"] regex: info;my-app-1 action: replace separator: ; replacement: uwmlogs-relabeled target_label: project
AM Query still shows pre-update data
$ oc -n openshift-monitoring exec -c prometheus prometheus-k8s-0 – curl -k -H "Authorization: Bearer $(oc whoami -t)" 'https://alertmanager-user-workload.openshift-user-workload-monitoring.svc:9095/api/v2/alerts' | jq { "annotations": { "description": "My application 1 has high amount of logs.", "summary": "project \"my-app-1\" log volume is high." } , "endsAt": "2023-04-13T22:04:20.791Z", "fingerprint": "32c2eee0f392b57f", "receivers": [ { "name": "Default" } ], "startsAt": "2023-04-13T21:48:20.791Z", "status": { "inhibitedBy": [], "silencedBy": [], "state": "active" } , "updatedAt": "2023-04-13T22:00:20.812Z", "generatorURL": "/graph?g0.expr=%28count_over_time%28%7Bkubernetes_namespace_name%3D%22my-app-1%22%7D%5B2m%5D%29+%3E+10%29&g0.tab=1", "labels": { "alertname": "MyApplication1LogVolumeIsHigh", "environment": "prod", "kubernetes_container_name": "centos-logtest", "kubernetes_host": "kbharti-0413-gcp3-gdc8g-worker-a-5ndxk.c.openshift-qe.internal", "kubernetes_namespace_name": "my-app-1", "kubernetes_pod_name": "centos-logtest-pwndm", "log_type": "application", "project": "my-app-1", "region": "us-east-1", "severity": "critical", "tenantId": "application" } } ]
After manual restart of ruler
{ "annotations": { "description": "My application 1 has high amount of logs.", "summary": "project \"my-app-1\" log volume is high." }, "endsAt": "2023-04-13T22:15:20.791Z", "fingerprint": "a0dc6f48180befe9", "receivers": [ { "name": "Default" } ], "startsAt": "2023-04-13T22:09:20.791Z", "status": { "inhibitedBy": [], "silencedBy": [], "state": "active" }, "updatedAt": "2023-04-13T22:11:20.800Z", "generatorURL": "/graph?g0.expr=%28count_over_time%28%7Bkubernetes_namespace_name%3D%22my-app-1%22%7D%5B2m%5D%29+%3E+10%29&g0.tab=1", "labels": { "alertname": "MyApplication1LogVolumeIsHigh", "environment": "prod", "kubernetes_container_name": "centos-logtest", "kubernetes_host": "kbharti-0413-gcp3-gdc8g-worker-a-5ndxk.c.openshift-qe.internal", "kubernetes_namespace_name": "my-app-1", "kubernetes_pod_name": "centos-logtest-pwndm", "log_type": "application", "project": "uwmlogs-relabeled", "region": "us-east-1", "severity": "info", "tenantId": "application" } } ]
Version: OCP 4.13, Logging 5.7
How reproducible: always
Expected Result: Updated relabel rules should be applied on the AM
Actual Result: AM still shows pre-change/update labels.
- clones
LOG-3953 Ruler does not restart after updates to RulerConfig CR.
- Closed
- links to
- mentioned on