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  1. OpenShift Logging
  2. LOG-3945

[Vector] Collector pods in CrashLoopBackOff when ClusterLogForwarder pipeline has space in between the pipeline name.


    • False
    • None
    • False
    • NEW
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      Before this update, a ClusterLogForwarder pipeline with a space in it's name caused the collector pods to continuously crash. With this update, pipeline names are sanitized so that all spaces, dashes (-), and dots (.) are replaced with underscores (_).
      Before this update, a ClusterLogForwarder pipeline with a space in it's name caused the collector pods to continuously crash. With this update, pipeline names are sanitized so that all spaces, dashes (-), and dots (.) are replaced with underscores (_).
    • Bug Fix
    • Log Collection - Sprint 235, Log Collection - Sprint 236

      Description of problem:

      When forwarding logs to the default log store and using ClusterLogForwarder which has space in the pipeline name, the collector pods run into CrashLoopBackOff and the collector logs throws configuration error.

      ERROR vector::cli: Configuration error. error=expected a right bracket, found an identifier at line 283 column 21

      Version-Release number of selected component (if applicable):



      Server Version: 4.11.0-0.nightly-2023-04-10-100905

      How reproducible:


      Steps to Reproduce:

      *Create Cluster Logging instance with Vector as collector and Elasticsearch as default log store.

      apiVersion: "logging.openshift.io/v1"
      kind: "ClusterLogging"
        name: "instance" 
        namespace: "openshift-logging"
        managementState: "Managed"  
          type: "elasticsearch"  
              maxAge: 10h
              maxAge: 10h
              maxAge: 10h
            nodeCount: 1 
            storage: {} 
                  memory: "4Gi"
                  memory: "1Gi"
                  memory: 256Mi
                  memory: 256Mi
            redundancyPolicy: "ZeroRedundancy"
          type: "kibana"  
            replicas: 1
          type: vector

      *Create a Cluster Log Forwarder instance to forward all log types to the default log store.

      apiVersion: logging.openshift.io/v1
      kind: ClusterLogForwarder
        name: instance 
        namespace: openshift-logging 
         - name: forward all logs
           - audit
           - infrastructure
           - application
           - default

      *Check the collector pod status, logs and config.

      $ oc get pods
      NAME                                            READY   STATUS             RESTARTS      AGE
      cluster-logging-operator-7f569b4dc9-7tj89       1/1     Running            0             67m
      collector-dqq7n                                 1/2     CrashLoopBackOff   6 (50s ago)   6m27s
      collector-f5tg4                                 1/2     CrashLoopBackOff   6 (39s ago)   6m27s
      collector-l9s2d                                 1/2     CrashLoopBackOff   6 (43s ago)   6m27s
      collector-m9c25                                 1/2     CrashLoopBackOff   6 (54s ago)   6m30s
      collector-z5vkl                                 1/2     CrashLoopBackOff   6 (32s ago)   6m30s
      elasticsearch-cdm-n3v0u28g-1-78b8d46d9f-xrwlj   2/2     Running            0             19m
      elasticsearch-im-app-28020150-zxqbz             0/1     Completed          0             4m9s
      elasticsearch-im-audit-28020150-d7jqz           0/1     Completed          0             4m9s
      elasticsearch-im-infra-28020150-8tsd4           0/1     Completed          0             4m9s
      kibana-69bdd87787-5f4gv                         2/2     Running            0             19m
      $ oc logs collector-f5tg4
      Defaulted container "collector" out of: collector, logfilesmetricexporter
      2023-04-11T10:33:30.064435Z ERROR vector::cli: Configuration error. error=expected a right bracket, found an identifier at line 283 column 21

      Transform name in the generated vector config where the error is occurring.

      [transforms.forward all log types]
      type = "remap"
      inputs = ["audit","application","infrastructure"]
      source = '''

      The transform name should add a separator in the name.

            rh-ee-calee Calvin Lee
            rhn-support-ikanse Ishwar Kanse
            Ishwar Kanse Ishwar Kanse
            0 Vote for this issue
            5 Start watching this issue
