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  1. OpenShift Logging
  2. LOG-3480

Loki Query fails due to the limit of 5120 on namespace character


    • False
    • None
    • False
    • NEW
    • NEW
    • Added some optimizations in order to prevent reaching the query length limit in many nominal cases.
    • Log Storage - Sprint 230, Log Storage - Sprint 231, Log Storage - Sprint 232, Log Storage - Sprint 233, Log Storage - Sprint 234, Log Storage - Sprint 235

      Description of problem:

      While searching the logs in loki if the length of the namespaces characters exceeds 5120 the dashboard fails to return the output

      Version-Release number of selected component (if applicable):

      Logging 5.5.5 and Loki 5.5

      Steps to Reproduce:
      1) create namespaces
      for i in $(seq -w 001 090); do oc new-project this-is-a-namespace-for-loki-query-tests-with-long-name$i; done
      2) Create application for each namespace
      for i in $(seq -w 001 090); do oc new-app rails-postgresql-example -n  this-is-a-namespace-for-loki-query-tests-with-long-name$i; done
      3) Wait till all the namespace have application
      4) Search for the logs showing all the namespace logs

      Actual results:

      Error as per screenshot attached

      Expected results:

      There should not be any error

      Additional info:

        1. image.png
          165 kB
          Sonigra Saurab

            rh-ee-mbouqsim Mohamed-Amine Bouqsimi (Inactive)
            rhn-support-ssonigra Sonigra Saurab
            0 Vote for this issue
            6 Start watching this issue
