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  1. OpenShift Logging
  2. LOG-3454

Logging WebUI gets stuck with a parser error if the query editor is empty


    • False
    • None
    • False
    • NEW
    • Hide
      * Before this update, when the query editor on the Logs page of the OpenShift Web Console was empty, the drop-down menus did not populate. With this update, if an empty query is attempted, an error message is displayed and the drop-down menus now populate as expected.
      * Before this update, when the query editor on the Logs page of the OpenShift Web Console was empty, the drop-down menus did not populate. With this update, if an empty query is attempted, an error message is displayed and the drop-down menus now populate as expected.

      In OpenShift Logging 5.6,  none of the dropdown are clickable on the 'Logs' page if the query editor is empty

      Version-Release number of selected component (if applicable):

      $ oc get csv
      NAME                     DISPLAY                     VERSION   REPLACES   PHASE
      cluster-logging.v5.6.0   Red Hat OpenShift Logging   5.6.0                Succeeded
      loki-operator.v5.6.0     Loki Operator               5.6.0                Succeeded 

      How reproducible:


      Steps to Reproduce:

      1. Deploy OpenShift Logging with Loki/Vector
      2. Enable logging-view-plugin
      3. Login OpenShift Web Console with the kubeadmin or admin user and then access Administrator> Observe > Logs.
      4. Select time from the dropdown or custom timerange from the histogram
      5. Click on "Show query" checkbox and clear the editor.

      Actual results:

        • page shows below error:
          parse error at line 1, col 4: syntax error: unexpected }, expecting IDENTIFIER
        • None of the dropdown lists are clickable except the first filter. 

            gbernal@redhat.com Gabriel Bernal
            gkarager Giriyamma Karagere Ramaswamy (Inactive)
            0 Vote for this issue
            6 Start watching this issue
