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  1. OpenShift Logging
  2. LOG-3026

Able to view events related to Deployments from all master nodes' audit logs from cli, but not able to get the same info from Kibana logs.


    • False
    • None
    • False
    • NEW
    • NEW


      OCP 4.10.18

      Detailed Problem Replication Steps with screen-shots 

      Case number in SFDC: 03295273

      CU is able to view events related to Deployments(like which user created, deleted, get, watch, list) from all master nodes' audit logs, however, CU cannot get this same info from Kibana logs. Seems that it's not possible to have kube-apiserver/audit.log pushed in elk
      CU can create app-* index pattern as indices of this type exist, they can also create infra-* index pattern for same reason but cannot create audit-* .

      After creating ClusterLogForwarder, CU have tried to create app and infra index patterns following the Viewing cluster logs in Kibana document, however, nothing displayed in the discovery page with index audit-*


                  Expected Results: Kibana should show the same logs as shown by the below command output:

      oc adm node-logs ip-10-26-84-150.ap-southeast-1.compute.internal --path=kube-apiserver/audit.log > ./clusteraudit.log && oc adm node-logs ip-10-26-84-94.ap-southeast-1.compute.internal --path=kube-apiserver/audit.log >> ./clusteraudit.log && oc adm node-logs ip-10-26-85-58.ap-southeast-1.compute.internal --path=kube-apiserver/audit.log >> ./clusteraudit.log && cat ./clusteraudit.log && cat ./clusteraudit.log | jq '. | select((.objectRef.resource=="deployments") and (.objectRef.namespace=="<namespace>")) | .objectRef.namespace + " " + .objectRef.name + " " + .verb + " " + .user.username + " " + .stageTimestamp'

      Desired Priority:   Trivial

        1. kibana3.png
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          Jaime Wong
        2. kibana4.png
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        3. kibana.png
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          Jaime Wong
        4. kibana2.png
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          Jaime Wong
        5. kibana1.png
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          Jaime Wong

              Unassigned Unassigned
              rhn-support-kwwong Jaime Wong
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