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  1. OpenShift Logging
  2. LOG-2917

Changing refresh interval throws error when the 'Query' field is empty


    • False
    • None
    • False
    • NEW
    • OBSDA-8 - Allow log exploration natively inside the OpenShift Console to reduce the number of UIs users need to access and use to a bare minimum
    • Before this update, changing the OpenShift WebConsole's refresh interval created an error when the 'Query' field was empty. With this update, changing interval is not an available option when the query field is empty.

      Changing refresh interval throws error when the 'Query' field is empty.
      Also clicking on the refresh button shows same behavior.
      Steps to reproduce the issue:
      1. Enable the "Console plugin" by following the testing steps in the doc
      2. On the Logs screen, Empty the 'LogQL Query' Field and change the Refresh interval or click on the "Refresh" button.



      Expected: No errors

            gbernal@redhat.com Gabriel Bernal
            rhn-support-kbharti Kabir Bharti
            Kabir Bharti Kabir Bharti
            0 Vote for this issue
            5 Start watching this issue
