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  1. OpenShift Logging
  2. LOG-2840

[release-5.4] [OCP 4.11] CLO depends on automatically created SA token


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      Before this update, the cluster-logging-operator expected a secret to be automatically created by the cluster. Starting with OCP 4.11, this behavior changed which caused logging deployments to fail. With this update, the cluster-logging-operator resolves the issue by creating the secret if needed.
      Before this update, the cluster-logging-operator expected a secret to be automatically created by the cluster. Starting with OCP 4.11, this behavior changed which caused logging deployments to fail. With this update, the cluster-logging-operator resolves the issue by creating the secret if needed.
    • Log Storage - Sprint 222

      Kubernetes 1.24 changes the default behavior regarding Secrets of ServiceAccounts. This leads to the cluster-logging-operator depending on an automatically-created secret that no longer exists.

      Because this secret is used as a fallback for custom user-defined secrets in forwarder configurations the configuration generated by CLO on a OCP 4.11 cluster will be different than on previous versions leading to errors, if the contents of the fallback secret were expected by the client (be it the token or CA certificate).

            rojacob@redhat.com Robert Jacob
            rhn-support-ikanse Ishwar Kanse
            Ishwar Kanse Ishwar Kanse
            0 Vote for this issue
            7 Start watching this issue
