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  1. OpenShift Logging
  2. LOG-2784

Japanese log messages are garbled at Kibana


    • False
    • None
    • False
    • NEW
    • Before this update, non latin characters displayed incorrectly in Kibana. With this update Kibana displays all valid UTF-8 symbols correctly.
    • Hide

      1. Install Cluster Logging version 5.4.2.
      2. Create a project and pod.
      3. Create Japanese log message in pod.
      $ oc rsh sample-pod-xxxx
      sh-4.4$ echo "こんにちは" > /proc/1/fd/1
      sh-4.4$ exit
      4. Confirm the pod log message is not garbled.
      $ oc logs sample-pod-xxxx
      5. Access the Kibana console and create "app-*" index pattern
      6. Add filter "message", you can confirm that the logs are garbled.

      1. Install Cluster Logging version 5.4.2. 2. Create a project and pod. 3. Create Japanese log message in pod. $ oc rsh sample-pod-xxxx sh-4.4$ echo "こんにちは" > /proc/1/fd/1 sh-4.4$ exit 4. Confirm the pod log message is not garbled. $ oc logs sample-pod-xxxx こんにちは 5. Access the Kibana console and create "app-*" index pattern 6. Add filter "message", you can confirm that the logs are garbled.
    • Log Collection - Sprint 221, Log Collection - Sprint 222

      Japanese log messages are garbled at Kibana in version 5.4.2.

      Japanese characters are not garbled in the previous version 5.3.8.

            vparfono Vitalii Parfonov
            rhn-support-mmatsuta Masafumi Matsuta
            Anping Li Anping Li
            1 Vote for this issue
            6 Start watching this issue
