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  1. OpenShift Logging
  2. LOG-1680

Introduce namespace metrics into OCP dashboards


    • 3
    • False
    • False
    • NEW
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      By default, the data model introduced in OpenShift 4.5 gave logs from different namespaces a single index in common. This change made it harder to see which namespaces produced the most logs. The current release, OpenShift Logging 5.2, adds namespace metrics to the *Logging* dashboard in the {product-title} console. With these metrics, you can see which namespaces produce logs and how many logs each namespace produces for a given timestamp. To see these metrics, open the {product-title} console and click *Monitoring* -> *Logging*.
      By default, the data model introduced in OpenShift 4.5 gave logs from different namespaces a single index in common. This change made it harder to see which namespaces produced the most logs. The current release, OpenShift Logging 5.2, adds namespace metrics to the *Logging* dashboard in the {product-title} console. With these metrics, you can see which namespaces produce logs and how many logs each namespace produces for a given timestamp. To see these metrics, open the {product-title} console and click *Monitoring* -> *Logging*.
    • Logging (LogExp) - Sprint 205, Logging (LogExp) - Sprint 206

      After the index level metrics are exposed (seeĀ LOG-1075) we want to add these metrics/charts into OCP logging dashboards.

      Acceptance criteria:

      • Trend for top namespaces is exposed in dashboard
      • The dashboard does not display any errors when query metrics are turned off (see Plugin configuration options). Currently, the metrics are on by default but it can happen that we change just this default settings and then we will want to make sure the dashboards are not broken.
      • Update SG Config in OAL to include `indices:data/read/search` in `project_user` and `prometheus` roles.

            sasagarw@redhat.com Sashank Agarwal (Inactive)
            lvlcek@redhat.com Lukas Vlcek (Inactive)
            Qiaoling Tang Qiaoling Tang
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