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  1. OpenShift Logging
  2. LOG-1657

Index management jobs failing with error while attemping to determine the active write alias no permissions


    • False
    • False
    • NEW
    • Before this update, an issue with the `ServiceAccount` permissions caused errors like `no permissions for [indices:admin/aliases/get]`. With this update, a permission fix resolves the issue.

      ###[Description of problem]

      Index management cronjobs are failing with error:

      2021-06-24T09:15:08.090393695Z Error while attemping to determine the active write alias: {'error': {'root_cause': [

      {'type': 'security_exception', 'reason': 'no permissions for [indices:admin/aliases/get] and User [name=system:serviceaccount:openshift-logging:elasticsearch, roles=[admin_reader], requestedTenant=null]'}

      ], 'type': 'security_exception', 'reason': 'no permissions for [indices:admin/aliases/get] and User [name=system:serviceaccount:openshift-logging:elasticsearch, roles=[admin_reader], requestedTenant=null]'}, 'status': 403}

      It was reviewed that the SA elasticsearch used to run the cronjobs has not assigned extra clusterroles or roles.Version-Release number of selected component (if applicable):
      OCP 4.7

      ###Actual results:
      Index management cronjobs are failing each execution and not able to manage the deletion/rollover of the indices

      ###Expected results:
      Index management cronjobs are able to manage the deletion/rollover of the indices


      • the indices must be deleted by hand to don't get the storage full continually. Could we have any workaround on this meanwhile bug is fixed?
      • Not clusterrole or role was added to the SA elasticsearch that runs the cronjobs

            ikarpukh Igor Karpukhin (Inactive)
            rhn-support-ocasalsa Oscar Casal Sanchez
            Qiaoling Tang Qiaoling Tang
            0 Vote for this issue
            5 Start watching this issue
