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  1. OpenShift Logging
  2. LOG-1372

CLO always set some incorrect default values in fluent.conf when forward log to external elasticsearch with secret


    • Logging (Core) - Sprint 202, Logging (Core) - Sprint 203

      Description of problem:

      When forward log to external elasticsearch with secret, CLO always sets below configurations in fluent.conf even when these keys are not existed:

            client_key '/var/run/ocp-collector/secrets/pipelinesecret/tls.key'
            client_cert '/var/run/ocp-collector/secrets/pipelinesecret/tls.crt'
            ca_file '/var/run/ocp-collector/secrets/pipelinesecret/ca-bundle.crt'
            ssl_version TLSv1_2

      Besides, the `scheme` is always set to `https` even when it is `http` in clf/instance.
      Version-Release number of selected component (if applicable):

      latest code cloned from https://github.com/openshift/cluster-logging-operator master branch
      How reproducible:


      Steps to Reproduce:
      1. deploy CLO

      2. deploy an external elasticsearch server, enable user authentication, don't enable http ssl and transport ssl

      3. create a secret in openshift-logging namespace which contains username and password

      oc create secret generic $secret-name --from-literal=username=$username --from-literal=password=$password

      4. create clf/instance to forward logs to the external elasticsearch server with the secret created in step 3

      cat << EOF | oc create -f -
      apiVersion: logging.openshift.io/v1
      kind: ClusterLogForwarder
        name: instance
        namespace: openshift-logging
        - name: secure-es
            name: pipelinesecret
          type: elasticsearch
          url: http://elasticsearch-server.a2h8p.svc:9200
        - inputRefs:
          - application
          - infrastructure
          - audit
          name: forward-logs
          - secure-es

      5. deploy fluentd pods

      6. check fluent.conf in cm/fluentd and secret keys  in fluentd pod

            @type elasticsearch
            @id secure_es
            host elasticsearch-server.a2h8p.svc
            port 9200
            verify_es_version_at_startup false
          user "#{File.exists?('/var/run/ocp-collector/secrets/pipelinesecret/username') ? open('/var/run/ocp-collector/secrets/pipelinesecret/username','r') do |f|f.read end : ''}"
          password "#{File.exists?('/var/run/ocp-collector/secrets/pipelinesecret/password') ? open('/var/run/ocp-collector/secrets/pipelinesecret/password','r') do |f|f.read end : ''}"
          scheme https
            ssl_version TLSv1_2
            target_index_key viaq_index_name
            id_key viaq_msg_id
            remove_keys viaq_index_name
            client_key '/var/run/ocp-collector/secrets/pipelinesecret/tls.key'
            client_cert '/var/run/ocp-collector/secrets/pipelinesecret/tls.crt'
            ca_file '/var/run/ocp-collector/secrets/pipelinesecret/ca-bundle.crt'
            type_name _doc
      $ oc rsh fluentd-r9z2x
      sh-4.4# ls /var/run/ocp-collector/secrets/pipelinesecret/
      password  username

      7. check logs in external elasticsearch, no logs received

      8. check fluentd pod log, lots of error logs:

        2021-05-14 01:15:14 +0000 [warn]: suppressed same stacktrace
      2021-05-14 01:16:18 +0000 [warn]: [secure_es] failed to flush the buffer. retry_time=12 next_retry_seconds=2021-05-14 01:17:19 +0000 chunk="5c23fd61a8ab91a09364881da73ec885" error_class=Fluent::Plugin::ElasticsearchOutput::RecoverableRequestFailure error="could not push logs to Elasticsearch cluster ({:host=>\"elasticsearch-server.a2h8p.svc\", :port=>9200, :scheme=>\"https\", :user=>\"qitang\", :password=>\"obfuscated\"}): Problem with the local SSL certificate"
        2021-05-14 01:16:18 +0000 [warn]: suppressed same stacktrace
      2021-05-14 01:16:18 +0000 [warn]: [secure_es] failed to flush the buffer. retry_time=13 next_retry_seconds=2021-05-14 01:17:14 +0000 chunk="5c23fd61ca56f4a6f7b18d59b716f973" error_class=Fluent::Plugin::ElasticsearchOutput::RecoverableRequestFailure error="could not push logs to Elasticsearch cluster ({:host=>\"elasticsearch-server.a2h8p.svc\", :port=>9200, :scheme=>\"https\", :user=>\"qitang\", :password=>\"obfuscated\"}): Problem with the local SSL certificate"
        2021-05-14 01:16:18 +0000 [warn]: suppressed same stacktrace

      Actual results:

      please find it in step 6
      Expected results:

            @type elasticsearch
            @id secure_es
            host elasticsearch-server.a2h8p.svc
            port 9200
            verify_es_version_at_startup false
          user "#{File.exists?('/var/run/ocp-collector/secrets/pipelinesecret/username') ? open('/var/run/ocp-collector/secrets/pipelinesecret/username','r') do |f|f.read end : ''}"
          password "#{File.exists?('/var/run/ocp-collector/secrets/pipelinesecret/password') ? open('/var/run/ocp-collector/secrets/pipelinesecret/password','r') do |f|f.read end : ''}"
          scheme http
            target_index_key viaq_index_name
            id_key viaq_msg_id
            remove_keys viaq_index_name
            type_name _doc

      Additional info:

              ikarpukh Igor Karpukhin (Inactive)
              qitang@redhat.com Qiaoling Tang
              Qiaoling Tang Qiaoling Tang
              0 Vote for this issue
              3 Start watching this issue
