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  1. Kogito
  2. KOGITO-8802

SWF Diagram Editor - depiction of actionMode parameter


    • False
    • None
    • False
    • ---
    • ---
    • 2023 Week 09-11 (from Feb 27)

      Operation state should have depiction of actionMode parameter.


      Expected Result

      • Parameter should be always visible
      • Depiction should be reused from the BPMN Editor  [1]

      [1] SVG depiction of the actionMode parameter 

      <svg id="subProcess" version="1.1" x="0" y="0" width="15.5px" height="15.5px" viewBox="0 0 15.5 15.5" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg">
        <g id="subProcessReusableMI" class="subProcess_group_reusable">
          <path id="subProcessReusableMIIMultipleInstanceIconParallel" class="subProcess_multipleInstance_icon" d="M 3.1 0.42 L 3.1 15.26 C 3.1 15.491 2.911 15.68 2.68 15.68 L 1.56 15.68 C 1.329 15.68 1.14 15.491 1.14 15.26 L 1.14 0.42 C 1.14 0.189 1.329 0 1.56 0 L 2.68 0 C 2.911 0 3.1 0.189 3.1 0.42 Z M 8.7 0.42 L 8.7 15.26 C 8.7 15.491 8.511 15.68 8.28 15.68 L 7.16 15.68 C 6.929 15.68 6.74 15.491 6.74 15.26 L 6.74 0.42 C 6.74 0.189 6.929 0 7.16 0 L 8.28 0 C 8.511 0 8.7 0.189 8.7 0.42 Z M 14.3 0.42 L 14.3 15.26 C 14.3 15.491 14.111 15.68 13.88 15.68 L 12.76 15.68 C 12.529 15.68 12.34 15.491 12.34 15.26 L 12.34 0.42 C 12.34 0.189 12.529 0 12.76 0 L 13.88 0 C 14.111 0 14.3 0.189 14.3 0.42 Z"></path>
          <path id="subProcessReusableMIIMultipleInstanceIconSequential" class="subProcess_multipleInstance_icon" d="M 15.26 3.1 L 0.42 3.1 C 0.189 3.1 0 2.911 0 2.68 L 0 1.56 C 0 1.329 0.189 1.14 0.42 1.14 L 15.26 1.14 C 15.491 1.14 15.68 1.329 15.68 1.56 L 15.68 2.68 C 15.68 2.911 15.491 3.1 15.26 3.1 Z M 15.26 8.7 L 0.42 8.7 C 0.189 8.7 0 8.511 0 8.28 L 0 7.16 C 0 6.929 0.189 6.74 0.42 6.74 L 15.26 6.74 C 15.491 6.74 15.68 6.929 15.68 7.16 L 15.68 8.28 C 15.68 8.511 15.491 8.7 15.26 8.7 Z M 15.26 14.3 L 0.42 14.3 C 0.189 14.3 0 14.111 0 13.88 L 0 12.76 C 0 12.529 0.189 12.34 0.42 12.34 L 15.26 12.34 C 15.491 12.34 15.68 12.529 15.68 12.76 L 15.68 13.88 C 15.68 14.111 15.491 14.3 15.26 14.3 Z"></path>
          <filter id="selectShadow" height="300%" width="300%" x="-75%" y="-75%">
            <feMorphology operator="dilate" radius="0" in="SourceAlpha" result="thicken"></feMorphology>
            <feDropShadow dx="0" dy="2" stdDeviation="2" flood-color="#000000" flood-opacity=".6" result="droppedShadow"></feDropShadow>
              <feMergeNode in="droppedShadow"></feMergeNode>
              <feMergeNode in="SourceGraphic"></feMergeNode>

              kgaevski@redhat.com Kirill Gaevskii
              kgaevski@redhat.com Kirill Gaevskii
              Lubomir Terifaj Lubomir Terifaj
              Lubomir Terifaj Lubomir Terifaj
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