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  1. Kogito
  2. KOGITO-8776

[SWF Diagram Editor] VsCode Plugin is being updated during the IT tests execution


    • 2023 Week 09-11 (from Feb 27)
    • Critical

      During the execution of IT tests of the packages vscode-extension-serverless-workflow-editor, vscode-extension-yard-editor and vscode-extension-pack-kogito-kie-editors, the vscode is being updated to the latest version in the market place instead of sticking with the version built.

      During the execution o the tests the VsCode is opened and it is possible to notice that at some point it the built version is considered obsolete and then VsCode upgrades to the latest plugin version in the marked place.



      • All tests must be always exectuted under the built version of the plugin.
      • All executed test must be a PASS


      Note: Two navigation tests were commented out because the test API isn't able to click and select nodes.

      Those tests will be fixed with the introduction of the new Editor js APIs that suport node selection via js commands.


      How to test:

      Declare the env variables below and then build the plugin.

      export KIE_TOOLS_BUILD__runTests=true

      export KIE_TOOLS_BUILD__runIntegrationTests=true


            handreyrc Handrey Cunha
            handreyrc Handrey Cunha
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