Resolution: Done
Display as an icon action/actions property for state nodes where it is applied.
Expected Result
- action and actions icon will have the same symbol [1]
- action and actions are required parameters so icons should be always visible. On mouse hover it should display name/functionRef/eventRef/subFlowRef (in this order) parameter/parameters or notify user about missing value.
- if there is no action, notify user
- if there is action name set, use name
- if there is FunctionRef (string) defined, use functionRef value
- if there is FunctionRef (object) defined, use functionRef.refName required parameter, even if null
- if there is EventRef defined, use eventRef.consumeEventRef required parameter, even if null
- if there is SubFlowRef (string) defined, use subFlowRef
- if there is SubFlowRef (object) defined, use subFlowRef.workflowId required parameter, even if null
- Supported parameters:
- Callback - action
- ForEach, Operation - actions (simple array of action)
- On mouse click the state should be activated.
[1] pf-icon-services icon from Patternfly 4.0, small size
<!doctype html> <svg viewBox="0 0 8.749 10" width="8.749" height="10"> <path d="M 2.175 3.286 C 1.743 3.286 1.394 3.637 1.394 4.067 C 1.394 4.498 1.745 4.849 2.175 4.849 C 2.605 4.849 2.956 4.498 2.956 4.067 C 2.956 3.637 2.606 3.286 2.175 3.286 Z M 2.175 4.38 C 2.003 4.38 1.863 4.239 1.863 4.067 C 1.863 3.896 2.003 3.755 2.175 3.755 C 2.346 3.755 2.487 3.896 2.487 4.067 C 2.487 4.239 2.346 4.38 2.175 4.38 Z M 1.875 0.312 C 1.185 0.312 0.625 0.873 0.625 1.563 C 0.625 2.254 1.185 2.813 1.875 2.813 C 2.565 2.813 3.125 2.253 3.125 1.563 C 3.125 0.874 2.565 0.312 1.875 0.312 Z M 1.875 2.032 C 1.616 2.032 1.406 1.822 1.406 1.563 C 1.406 1.304 1.616 1.094 1.875 1.094 C 2.134 1.094 2.344 1.304 2.344 1.563 C 2.344 1.822 2.134 2.032 1.875 2.032 Z M 8.641 2.285 L 7.704 2.208 C 7.665 2.085 7.683 2.121 7.626 2 C 7.75 1.829 8.078 1.493 8.205 1.321 C 8.222 1.296 8.235 1.269 8.235 1.238 C 8.235 1.115 7.716 0.64 7.603 0.535 C 7.577 0.513 7.546 0.5 7.511 0.5 C 7.48 0.5 7.449 0.509 7.423 0.53 L 6.772 1.1 C 6.666 1.047 6.65 1.047 6.535 1.012 L 6.475 0.112 C 6.47 0.048 6.408 0 6.346 0 L 5.53 0 C 5.469 0 5.416 0.044 5.399 0.106 C 5.343 0.32 5.371 0.796 5.348 1.017 C 5.23 1.056 5.241 1.065 5.129 1.122 L 4.452 0.528 C 4.427 0.511 4.395 0.498 4.36 0.498 C 4.233 0.498 3.74 1.031 3.654 1.149 C 3.631 1.174 3.623 1.205 3.623 1.235 C 3.623 1.266 3.637 1.297 3.654 1.322 C 3.793 1.489 4.098 1.773 4.22 1.949 C 4.164 2.059 4.173 2.109 4.137 2.226 L 3.227 2.269 C 3.17 2.278 3.126 2.345 3.126 2.401 L 3.125 3.213 C 3.125 3.276 3.169 3.332 3.23 3.342 L 4.15 3.402 C 4.189 3.524 4.18 3.485 4.242 3.605 C 4.115 3.776 3.793 4.143 3.666 4.309 C 3.648 4.334 3.636 4.361 3.636 4.392 C 3.636 4.52 4.155 4.99 4.269 5.094 C 4.294 5.117 4.325 5.129 4.36 5.129 C 4.39 5.129 4.427 5.121 4.447 5.1 L 5.094 4.495 C 5.2 4.548 5.209 4.543 5.325 4.578 L 5.397 5.515 C 5.406 5.577 5.468 5.625 5.528 5.625 L 6.345 5.625 C 6.406 5.625 6.459 5.581 6.475 5.52 C 6.532 5.304 6.491 4.804 6.513 4.577 C 6.631 4.542 6.62 4.536 6.732 4.479 L 7.423 5.095 C 7.448 5.113 7.479 5.126 7.514 5.126 C 7.642 5.126 8.135 4.589 8.221 4.472 C 8.244 4.449 8.252 4.419 8.252 4.388 C 8.252 4.353 8.238 4.327 8.221 4.302 C 8.082 4.135 7.714 3.824 7.591 3.649 C 7.647 3.54 7.637 3.542 7.672 3.426 L 8.648 3.353 C 8.705 3.345 8.749 3.278 8.749 3.222 L 8.749 2.41 C 8.747 2.355 8.703 2.297 8.641 2.285 Z M 5.92 3.919 C 5.317 3.919 4.822 3.427 4.822 2.819 C 4.822 2.212 5.314 1.72 5.92 1.72 C 6.528 1.72 7.02 2.212 7.02 2.819 C 7.02 3.427 6.528 3.919 5.92 3.919 Z M 8.435 6.25 C 7.941 5.757 7.497 6.25 7.497 6.25 L 5.622 8.125 L 3.728 8.125 C 3.728 8.125 3.415 8.125 3.415 7.813 C 3.415 7.5 3.747 7.5 3.747 7.5 L 5.31 7.5 C 5.31 7.5 5.622 7.5 5.622 7.187 C 5.622 6.875 5.31 6.875 5.31 6.875 L 1.882 6.87 C 1.683 6.865 1.305 6.905 0.944 7.304 L 0 8.301 L 1.872 10 L 2.497 9.374 L 6.117 9.374 C 6.2 9.374 6.28 9.342 6.339 9.283 L 6.872 8.75 L 8.435 7.187 C 8.435 7.187 8.927 6.743 8.435 6.25 Z" data-bx-origin="0 0"></path> </svg>
Sample of action parameter:
"action": { "name": "Finalize Application Action", "functionRef": { "refName": "finalizeApplicationFunction", "arguments": { "applicantid": "${ .applicantId }" } } },
- causes
KOGITO-8700 SWF Viewer - Actions icon shows eventRef for consumeEventRef parameter
- Closed
- clones
KOGITO-8506 SWF Viewer - display timeout and duration property
- Resolved
- is incorporated by
KOGITO-8484 Serverless Workflow Visualization Improvements - DP5
- Resolved
- relates to
KOGITO-8726 SWF Viewer - State Icons autolayout
- Closed