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  1. Kogito
  2. KOGITO-6927

Add support for header access on $WORKFLOW


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    • False
    • Release Notes
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      Adds support to access HTTP headers in Serverless Workflows started using REST.
      This access should be performed by using expression of the form $WORKFLOW.headers.<header_name> in the starting states of the flow.
      Note that header information is not persisted. If you want the header information to be available in any state, you need to map the header to a model variable using State Data Filter
      Adds support to access HTTP headers in Serverless Workflows started using REST. This access should be performed by using expression of the form $WORKFLOW.headers.<header_name> in the starting states of the flow. Note that header information is not persisted. If you want the header information to be available in any state, you need to map the header to a model variable using State Data Filter
    • 2022 Week 17-19 (from Apr 25)

      Currently $WORKFLOW can be used to access the process instance id and the process instance. This Jira will also allow access to start request headers, if the flow was started using a REST call

            ftirados Francisco Javier Tirado Sarti
            ftirados Francisco Javier Tirado Sarti
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