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  1. Kogito
  2. KOGITO-6917

SWF UI Testing Infrastructure estabilishment


    • Icon: Epic Epic
    • Resolution: Obsolete
    • Icon: Blocker Blocker
    • Kogito Tooling 0.20.0
    • None
    • None
    • None
    • Serverless Workflow Tooling UI Acceptance Testing Infrastructure
    • False
    • None
    • False

      Establish a testing infrastructure for user interface of serverless workflow editor.
      This infrastructure must allow easy implementation and execution and reporting of acceptance tests on UI level.
      Expected tests are acceptance level happy path scenarios.
      Reusinf know-how from BPMN/DMN/SCESIM editors is expected.

      Implement test runner for swf-editor in vscode channel.
      Implement test runner for swf-editor in chrome-extension for GH channel.
      Implement test runner for swf-editor in online channel.

      Implement smoke tests for swf-editor in vscode channel.
      Implement smoke tests for swf-editor in chrome-extension for GH channel.
      Implement smoke tests for swf-editor in online channel.

      Implement basic example test for swf-editor in vscode channel.
      Implement basic example test for swf-editor in chrome-extension for GH channel.
      Implement basic example test for swf-editor in online channel.

              dhanak@redhat.com Dominik Hanak
              dhanak@redhat.com Dominik Hanak
              0 Vote for this issue
              1 Start watching this issue
