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  1. Kogito
  2. KOGITO-6897

Serveless Workflow IT persistence


    • False
    • None
    • False
    • 2022 Week 14-16 (from Apr 4), 2022 Week 17-19 (from Apr 25)

      This epic aims to track the effort to create IT tests specific to SW around the different DB providers supported by Kogito.


      Proposals, either reuse integration-tests-quarkus-processes-persistence adding SW models or create a new module ( integration-tests-quarkus-serverless-workflow-persistence ? )

      Scenarios to be covered:

      • Callback
      • Compensation
      • Wait state on events
      • Subflow
      • Errors and retry?
      • etc...


      Usually issue to persistence are related to the data/model that is persistence, would be important to somehow cover the most frequently used data types.

      Support can initially focus on PostgreSQL persistence but we expect to expand this to other DBs

            cnicolai@redhat.com Cristiano Nicolai
            cnicolai@redhat.com Cristiano Nicolai
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