Resolution: Done
2021 Week 16-18 (from Apr 19), 2021 Week 19-21 (from May 10), 2021 Week 22-24 (from May 31), 2021 Week 25-27 (from Jun 21), 2021 Week 28-30 (from Jul 12), 2021 Week 31-33 (from Aug 2)
This task is about fixing some issues and improving the usability for resize control points, in stunner based editors.
Acceptance Criteria
- Change resize icon on canvas (from the red dotted one)
- Main state:
- Color: #0088CE
- Border: 2 px, White
- Alpha: 0.8
- Size: 5 px
- Selected state (Inverted, but same as on Sequence flow):
- Color: White
- Border: 2 px, #0088CE
- Alpha: 1
- Size: 10 px
- For both Sequence flow and Resize magnets
- Shadows removed
- Main state:
- Fix usability issues
- Don’t leave magnets behind on Move
- Keep magnets after Resize End
KOGITO-3164 - Don’t hide magnets on Magnet click and double click
- After first resize do not downsizes magnet
- Hide magnet when append event to task
KOGITO-5241 - If during resize node resized to the minimum allowed size but mouse moved further beyond the opposite side of the shape resize point disappeared (changed order of control points, which leads to disappear of the only visible point)
- Enable Align and distribute during resize
KOGITO-5242 - Applicable to BPMN & DMN
Not a goal
- Fix overlap of Resize point with toolbox menu KOGITO-5556
- Resize cursor KOGITO-5243
- Snap during alignment and distribution KOGITO-5607
- Activate all 4 resize points KOGITO-5606
- is related to
KOGITO-5606 Stunner - enable all 4 points for node resize
- Open
KOGITO-5607 Stunner - alignment and distributions during resize doesn't support snap
- Open
KOGITO-5243 Stunner - Improve resize hint for nodes
- Open
KOGITO-5556 Stunner - [Design] Toolbox menu further design improvements
- Open
- relates to
KOGITO-3164 Stunner - Task Resize option doesn't show up
- Closed
KOGITO-5241 Stunner - Resize Icon remains displayed
- Closed
KOGITO-5242 Stunner - Alignment helpers missing during node resize
- Closed
- links to