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  1. Kogito
  2. KOGITO-4197

[DMN Designer] DMN 1.1 model can not be fixed to proper DMN 1.2


    • 3
    • False
    • False
    • Undefined
    • Workaround Exists
    • Hide

      To get rid of errors: "Required dependency 'XXX' on node 'XXX' does not match the node type" you have to remove all existing connections and then recreate them like shown in [^workaround.webm]. User needs to repeatedly:

      • open DMN model
      • remove all existing connections
      • save and reopen
      • if still connections appear, remove them, if not, start with recreating
      To get rid of errors: "Required dependency 'XXX' on node 'XXX' does not match the node type" you have to remove all existing connections and then recreate them like shown in [^workaround.webm] . User needs to repeatedly: open DMN model remove all existing connections save and reopen if still connections appear, remove them, if not, start with recreating
      • Run decision central
      • Open My Space
      • Create new empty project
      • Follow steps from the video [^steps-to-reproduce.webm]
    • ---
    • ---
    • 2020 Week 52-03 (from Dec 21)

      The [^Vacation Day Count - Solution 1.dmn] is an DMN 1.1 model downloaded from an external tool.

      After opening [^Vacation Day Count - Solution 1.dmn] in decision central, there are missing connections:

      • Age -> Three extra days rule
      • Age -> Two extra days rule
      • Years of service -> Three extra days rule
      • Years of service -> Two extra days rule

      Next, nodes data types shown in properties are:

      • Age: Nothing Selected
      • Years of service: Nothing selected
      • Five extra days rule: <Undefined>
      • Three extra days rule: <Undefined>
      • Two extra days rule: <Undefined>
      • Number of vacation: <Undefined>

      All decision tables have their input columns set to type: feel:number
      All decision tables have their output columns set to type: <Undefined>

      Even after changing all data types to 'number' and adding missing connections, there are still errors in the form:

      Required dependency '_e1e247a4-6e54-4e72-93b6-78ae8606b44d' on node '_e1e247a4-6e54-4e72-93b6-78ae8606b44d' does not match the node type

      [^Vacation Day Count - Solution 1 - dmn13.dmn] is DMN 1.3 version of [^Vacation Day Count - Solution 1.dmn] downloaded from the same tool. If this is opened in the decision central:

      • All connections are present
      • All nodes have valid DMN built in data type set
      • All decision tables have all columns set to valid DMN built in data type
      • There is no validation error shown, just warnings about decision table hit policies and possible gaps

      Expected behavior

      User should be able, even semi manually, to fix [^Vacation Day Count - Solution 1.dmn] validation errors

            karreiro_ Guilherme Gomes (Inactive)
            karreiro_ Guilherme Gomes (Inactive)
            Jozef Marko Jozef Marko (Inactive)
            Jozef Marko Jozef Marko (Inactive)
            0 Vote for this issue
            1 Start watching this issue
