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  1. Kogito
  2. KOGITO-3877

Data Index Queries are not filtering by DateTime fields


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Done
    • Icon: Major Major
    • 1.1.0.Final
    • None
    • Data Index
    • None
    • False
    • False
    • Undefined
    • Hide

      1) execute a data index query with a where condition that includes a DateTime vale.

      UserTaskInstances(where: {started: {greaterThan: "3000-11-18T11:43:00.456Z"}})

      { id started }


      2) the query returns all tasks, but see that the year is 3000, so not tasks should have been returned.

      In general I've noted the same happens with other DataTime fields, and in other queries like the ProcessInstances too.

      After doing a quick debug I've could see that when the query is being executed the DataFetchinigEnvironment has no value for greaterThan parameter and the GraphQLScalarTypeProducer wasn't invoked during the query execution. Maybe the scalar type DateTime is not being completely registered.

      1) execute a data index query with a where condition that includes a DateTime vale. { UserTaskInstances(where: {started: {greaterThan: "3000-11-18T11:43:00.456Z"}}) { id started } } 2) the query returns all tasks, but see that the year is 3000, so not tasks should have been returned. In general I've noted the same happens with other DataTime fields, and in other queries like the ProcessInstances too. After doing a quick debug I've could see that when the query is being executed the DataFetchinigEnvironment has no value for greaterThan parameter and the GraphQLScalarTypeProducer wasn't invoked during the query execution. Maybe the scalar type DateTime is not being completely registered.
    • ---
    • ---
    • 2020 Week 46-48 (from Nov 9), 2020 Week 49-51 (from Nov 30)

            cnicolai@redhat.com Cristiano Nicolai (Inactive)
            wmedvede@redhat.com Walter Medvedeo
            Tristan Radisson Tristan Radisson (Inactive)
            Tristan Radisson Tristan Radisson (Inactive)
            0 Vote for this issue
            1 Start watching this issue
