Resolution: Unresolved
2020 Week 49-51 (from Nov 30)
As a Spring developer I want to be able to write my custom REST endpoints in a Kogito project. Moreover, if scaffold is used, then I would like to feel comfortable editing the code by looking at an API I know.
We are currently using RESTEasy for both Quarkus and Spring Boot code generation. This makes it harder for users of Spring Boot to customize code; e.g. RESTEasy takes over the root of the project/
- blocks
KOGITO-2956 Add SpringBoot support for CloudEvents over HTTP
- Closed
- incorporates
KOGITO-3406 JAX-RS on SpringBoot generated code is missing Application registration
- Closed
- is blocked by
KOGITO-3984 SpringBoot application generated by archetype missing http package scan
- Closed
KOGITO-3700 Update and Activate Spring MVC templates for Processes
- Closed
KOGITO-3701 Add DMN REST Templated endpoiint for Spring MVC support
- Closed
KOGITO-3702 Add PMML REST Templated endpoiint for Spring MVC support
- Closed
KOGITO-3750 Add Process Management addon REST endpoints for Spring Web
- Closed
KOGITO-3751 Add Job Management addon REST endpoints for Spring Web
- Closed
KOGITO-3752 Add Rules REST Templated endpoint for Spring MVC support
- Closed
KOGITO-3824 Topic Information and Cloud events Endpoints migration to Spring Web API
- Closed
KOGITO-3844 Add explainability-springboot-addon REST endpoints for Spring Web
- Closed
KOGITO-3865 Move Quarkus REST exception handling from process-management-addon to common API
- Closed
KOGITO-3867 Move Sprinboot REST exception handling from process-management-springboot-addon to common API
- Closed
- is related to
KOGITO-4223 Kogito SB archetype fail Swagger/OAS ootb
- Closed