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  1. Kogito
  2. KOGITO-3660

Generate input/output columns, based on the type of the input nodes/the type decision node


    • 2022 Week 02-04 (from Jan 10), 2022 Week 05-07 (from Jan 31)

      How to test

      • Open KOGITO-3660.dmn file using https://sandbox.kie.org/
      • Open 'My Decision' node
      • Set the expression as: Decision table
        • Firstly using old boxed expression editor
        • Secondly using new boxed expression editor

      Currently just the old boxed expression editor will generate Price and Color columns automatically

      Acceptance criteria

      • simple custom type (tMyString : string)
      • complex custom type (tCar : {Color : string, Price: number})
      • recursive custom type (tHuman : {Name : string, Parent: tHuman}) KOGITO-5452

      Implementation Details

      For theĀ old boxed expression editor, we have a class https://github.com/kiegroup/kogito-tooling/blob/main/packages/stunner-editors/kie-wb-common-dmn/kie-wb-common-dmn-client/src/main/java/org/kie/workbench/common/dmn/client/editors/expressions/types/dtable/DecisionTableEditorDefinitionEnricher.java that it is dynamically creating input and output clauses based on connected input/decision nodes. This part is triggered when the user selects the Decision Table as a logic type, and it is completely missing in the new Boxed Expression Editor.
      We have two possible approaches:

      1. Rewrite all the logic held in DecisionTableEditorDefinitionEnricher inside the React component (ideal but expensive solution).
      2. Call DecisionTableEditorDefinitionEnricher when the user is the new boxed expression editor and selects the "Decision Table" as logic type.

      We agreed to follow approach #2.

              vpellegr Valentino Pellegrino (Inactive)
              vpellegr Valentino Pellegrino (Inactive)
              Jozef Marko Jozef Marko
              Jozef Marko Jozef Marko
              0 Vote for this issue
              2 Start watching this issue
