Resolution: Done
User story: As a user I want to easily view and manage my process-related information, via a lightweight web UI.
Verification conditions:
- Deliver a limited set of high-level wireframes.
High-level designs for a bootstrapped Management Console UI application using PatternFly 4, ReactJS components TypeScript, as well as a mock GraphQL backend endpoint. Includes:
- standard PatternFly UIs for login/logout
- PF page layout ( possibly using https://www.patternfly.org/v4/documentation/react/demos/pagelayout/pagelayoutsimplenav/ )
- About modal (https://www.patternfly.org/v4/documentation/react/components/aboutmodal/)
- UI to display process instances
- Landing page would be a basic dashboard aggregating process instances by status. By selecting it, it displays a list of process in such context. See mockup.
- A simple list/detail navigation. Details page should be full screen so it also allows a direct link ( route ) in the browser. Feel free to use the current Business Central details page as example.
- Kogito branding
- clones
KOGITO-228 Bootstrap Management Console front end application
- Closed
- is related to
KOGITO-324 UX input to Management Console front end application
- Closed