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  1. Kogito
  2. KOGITO-3130 Correlate Job and Node in process timeline
  3. KOGITO-3174

Show link to job on timer related nodes in process instance timeline


    • Icon: Sub-task Sub-task
    • Resolution: Done
    • Icon: Major Major
    • 1.1.0.Final
    • None
    • Management Console
    • None
    • 2020 Week 40-42 (from Sep 28), 2020 Week 43-45 (from Okt 19), 2020 Week 46-48 (from Nov 9)

      Certain node ( timers ) are associaded with a timer. Now that the node instance id is set into the job, it is possible to link the job and the node in the timeline.

      So the idea here is to show a timer link next to the node name where applicable. Once the user clicks on it, it would be able to see the job details. Same as clicking on the job list for instance.

            sasriniv Saravana Srinivasan
            cnicolai@redhat.com Cristiano Nicolai
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            1 Start watching this issue
