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  1. Kogito
  2. KOGITO-3153

[DMN Designer] PMML support - run via quarkus


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    • Workaround Exists
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      Manually delete field that is not intended to be an input of a function.

      Manually delete field that is not intended to be an input of a function.
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      1. Open folder in vs code
      2. Create new dmn file in the same folder and include 'test_regression.pmml' via 'Included models' tab into fresh created dmn or alternatively just paste attached 'use-regression.dmn' into same folder
      3. Start project as mvn clean compile quarkus:dev

      Current: error.log will appear
      Expected: No error appear

      Open folder in vs code Create new dmn file in the same folder and include 'test_regression.pmml' via 'Included models' tab into fresh created dmn or alternatively just paste attached 'use-regression.dmn' into same folder Start project as mvn clean compile quarkus:dev Current: error.log will appear Expected: No error appear
    • 2020 Week 34-36 (from Aug 17)

      As part of KOGITO-2895 we introduced support for DMN and PMML model integration in kogito-tooling.


      VS Code kogito extension


      The attached use-regression.dmn was created using VSCode kogito tooling extension built from KOGTIO-2895 PR. The issue is the created DMN model can not be started.

      For more details see steps to reproduce and attached files.

        1. a.dmn
          8 kB
        2. a-test.scesim
          8 kB
        3. error.log
          6 kB
        4. use-regression.dmn
          10 kB

              yamer@redhat.com Yeser Amer
              rh-ee-jomarko Jozef Marko
              Jozef Marko Jozef Marko
              Jozef Marko Jozef Marko
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