Feature Request
Resolution: Done
2019 Week 44-46 (from Okt 28), 2019 Week 47-49 (from Nov 18)
Whenever a new runtime service is deployed with Operator, if it needs Kafka and/or Infinispan, the Operator should inject those endpoints into the environment variables o the runtime.
Operator will read image labels for hints to deploy Infinispan and/or Kafka for the given service.
Today we need to set those env vars manually like:
kogito deploy-service kogito-travel-agency https://github.com/ricardozanini/kogito-travel-agency-tutorial/ --context-dir=04-kogito-travel-agency --image-runtime=openshift/kogito-quarkus-jvm-ubi8:0.4.0-rc1 --image-s2i=openshift/kogito-quarkus-ubi8-s2i:0.4.0-rc1 -p kogito-owner -e QUARKUS_INFINISPAN_CLIENT_SERVER_LIST=infinispan-server:11222 -e MP_MESSAGING_OUTGOING_VISAAPPLICATIONS_BOOTSTRAP_SERVERS=my-cluster-kafka-bootstrap:9092 -e MP_MESSAGING_OUTGOING_KOGITO_PROCESSINSTANCES_EVENTS_BOOTSTRAP_SERVERS=my-cluster-kafka-bootstrap:9092
- is blocked by
KOGITO-94 Integrate Infinispan Operator with Kogito Data Index controller
- Closed
KOGITO-611 Operator to Deploy Kafka whenever a Kogito App requires messaging
- Closed
- is related to
KOGITO-610 Add persistence labels to Kogito Runtime images when service needs Infinispan
- Closed
- relates to
KOGITO-165 Operator to Deploy Infinispan whenever a Kogito App requires persistence
- Closed