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  1. Kogito
  2. KOGITO-1997

Stunner - Process metadata attribute value should be a free string


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      • Click on the Canvas and go to the properties panel
      • Open the tab "Advanced" and at the end of the properties list
      • On "MetaData Attributes" click on "+" button to add a new metadata attribute
      • Give a name for the attribute "att1"
      • Set the value for the attribute "$test, exp();, anyText.any"


      The validation rules prevent the string to be typed and displays error messages on top of the screen.


      The "Value" field must be free of restrictions and must accept any string.
      The MetaData Attribute/Value must be properly saved and then recovered by closing and reopening the process in the editor

      Click on the Canvas and go to the properties panel Open the tab "Advanced" and at the end of the properties list On "MetaData Attributes" click on "+" button to add a new metadata attribute Give a name for the attribute "att1" Set the value for the attribute "$test, exp();, anyText.any" Actual The validation rules prevent the string to be typed and displays error messages on top of the screen. Expected The "Value" field must be free of restrictions and must accept any string. The MetaData Attribute/Value must be properly saved and then recovered by closing and reopening the process in the editor
    • 2020 Week 16-18 (from Apr 13), 2020 Week 19-21 (from May 4), 2020 Week 22-24 (from May 25)

      MetaData values can be composed not only of plain text but expressions and may contain special characters.
      MetaData values should be a free string with no restrictions.
      The validation rules applied to field "Value: are preventing the user from input special characters, blank spaces and expressions.

            handreyrc Handrey Cunha
            handreyrc Handrey Cunha
            Lubomir Terifaj Lubomir Terifaj
            Lubomir Terifaj Lubomir Terifaj
            0 Vote for this issue
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