Resolution: Done
Editor's Backend Support (LSP)
To Do
0% To Do, 0% In Progress, 100% Done
Provide a pluggable infrastructure, able to augment the capabilities of the editors by enabling some backend dependent features.
This infrastructure will be the integration point for future multiple editor backend services, i.e.:
- Integration with Java Language Service via LSP;
- Java types auto-complete on editors;
- React to refactorings in Java code by the editors;
- DMN validation;
- DMN Node Validation;
- DMN Data Type Constraints;
- Feel Backend;
- DMN Quick Test tool;
- Debug Boxed Expressions;
- SceSim CSV Import/Export;
- SceSim Test Runner;
- SceSim Test Report;
- ...
This JIRA is not intended to develop any user face service, but it's related to infrastructure code for editors.
Acceptance criteria
A VS Code extension and an API able to plug backend editor services.
- blocks
KOGITO-795 Java Language Server Integration on VS Code
- Closed