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  1. Kogito
  2. KOGITO-1489

Editor is broken after See as source during loading (Chrome Extension)


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      1. Install Chrome extension.
      2. Open a process on Github pages (for example https://github.com/kiegroup/kie-wb-playground/blob/master/evaluation/src/main/resources/evaluation.bpmn)
      3. After 'See as source' button is enabled, click it. (Must be clicked during the editor is loaded)
      4. Wait a second in the source and go back by clicking 'See in diagram' button.
      5. Editor is broken (See screen shot)
      Install Chrome extension. Open a process on Github pages (for example https://github.com/kiegroup/kie-wb-playground/blob/master/evaluation/src/main/resources/evaluation.bpmn ) After 'See as source' button is enabled, click it. (Must be clicked during the editor is loaded) Wait a second in the source and go back by clicking 'See in diagram' button. Editor is broken (See screen shot)

      Editor is broken when 'See as source' button is clicked during the editor is loaded. If you go back to the editor by 'See in diagram button', the workbench is moved.

            tfernand-1 Tiago Bento
            tdavid@redhat.com Tomas David
            Tomas David Tomas David
            Tomas David Tomas David
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