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  1. Kogito
  2. KOGITO-1179

Unable to execute a job with native application


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      Create a process containing timer node.
      Deploy it on OpenShift using native build.
      Start the process so timer node is triggered => error is thrown.

      Create a process containing timer node. Deploy it on OpenShift using native build. Start the process so timer node is triggered => error is thrown.
    • 2020 Week 13-15 (from Mar 23), 2020 Week 34-36 (from Aug 17), 2020 Week 37-39 (from Sep 7), 2020 Week 40-42 (from Sep 28), 2020 Week 43-45 (from Okt 19)

      If Kogito application is built in native mode then a call to Jobs service fails, see exception it attachment.

      The issue happens only if Kogito application is built using a Quarkus native build. If Kogito application is running on traditional JVM environment then the Job call pass.

            tdolphin-1 Tiago Dolphine
            ksuta Karel Suta
            Karel Suta Karel Suta
            Karel Suta Karel Suta
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