Resolution: Done
2023 Week 12-14 (from Mar 20), 2023 Week 15-17 (from Apr 10)
- create jira to address the dependabot security issues for rhpam|bamoe kogito-opreator
- create branches for ba bamoe and kogito-operator:
- 713.x-blue-next
- 1.13.x-next
- 1.13.x-blue-next
- points to the next release cycle while the 7.13.x-blue points to the current.
PS: Enable the Dependabot on the *next branches.
To enable it for other branches, seems that wee need to add the dependabot.yml to the branch:
version: 2 updates: - package-ecosystem: "gomod" directory: "/" schedule: interval: "daily" # Raise pull requests for version updates target-branch: "1.13.x-next" # Labels on pull requests for version updates only labels: - "infosec"
- is related to
KIECLOUD-713 Add the release-v7.13.x-blue and blue-next branches in the OpenShift prow CI
- Resolved