Resolution: Done
2019 Week 20-22
https://github.com/ansibleplaybookbundle/rhpam-apb/pull/69, https://github.com/kiegroup/kie-cloud-operator/pull/169, https://github.com/jboss-container-images/rhdm-7-openshift-image/pull/246, https://github.com/jboss-container-images/rhpam-7-openshift-image/pull/301, https://github.com/jboss-container-images/jboss-kie-modules/pull/247
Today, the KIE images are pointing to /opt/eap/standalone/data for persistent data. The EAP data directory shouldn't be used (see table A3) for application and custom data.
As discussed internally, we're proposing a new directory structure for KIE data (kieserver and Business Central):
The templates/apb/operator should mount only one pv on this directory, them the scripts should guarantee that the needed structure should be there.
Add a step in the new jboss-kie-common module's configure.sh to do this, then just make sure every image that needs it includes it in their image.yaml:
- mkdir -p /opt/kie/data/h2
- mkdir -p /opt/kie/data/git/hooks
- causes
KIECLOUD-225 Filesystem permissions for /opt/eap/ dir on BC is failing duo to changes to kie data path standardization
- Closed
- relates to
RHPAM-2125 H2 data file gets locked during rollout deployment strategy in authoring templates
- Closed