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  1. Openshift sandboxed containers
  2. KATA-3264

QE automate testing cloud provider credentials automatic fetch


    • BU Product Work
    • 3
    • False
    • None
    • False
    • KATA-2437 - Cloud Credentials Operator Basic Integration for OSC + peerpods
    • 0
    • 0.000

      Automation currently depends on the peer-pod-secret and peer-pods-cm to exist before creating kataconfig.

      This has been done by CI or the end user during cluster setup.  With 1.7  peer-pods-secret gets created during the kataconfig from the cluster.

      Podvm gets created during kataconfig creation and needs peer-pods-cm.  To generate peer-pods-cm, the secrets are needed.  


      Additionally, AWS needs to authorize-security-group-ingress during cluster setup.  This uses AWS_SG_IDS which depends on the secrets.  CI already has the values.  An end user will need to get the secrets from elsewhere

      Azure cluster setup doesn't need to use secrets


      ssheribe@redhat.com rhn-support-vvoronko cmeadors@redhat.com  are there plans to create peer-pods-cm during kataconfig so the user doesn't need to?

      It is probably better to avoid changing the automation until this happens.

              rhn-support-vvoronko Victor Voronkov
              rhn-support-vvoronko Victor Voronkov
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