Resolution: Done
OSC 1.5.3
<What were you trying to do that didn't work?>
I was following the published docs which have a bug where they use the confidential version of azure instances in AZURE_INSTANCE_SIZES. I could not create an non-confidential peerpod which is arguably correct. I updated value with non-confidential versions and still could not create a peerpod workload.
Steps to reproduce
<What actions did you take to hit the bug?>
1. Configure peerpods
2. update AZURE_INSTANCE_SIZES values
3. try to use new values
Expected result
<What did you expect to happen?>
pod would start with instance type listed in AZURE_INSTANCE_SIZES
Actual result
<What actually happened?>
Pod did not start and got and error in events:
Failed to create pod sandbox: rpc error: code = Unknown desc = CreateContainer failed: remote hypervisor call failed: rpc error: code = Unknown desc = creating an instance : failed to verify instance type: requested instance type ("Standard_DCas_v5") is not part of supported instance types list: unknown
<How badly does this interfere with using the software?>
Users can't easily update the list of instance types they want to allow.
<Where was the bug found, i.e. OCP build, operator build, kata-containers build, cluster infra, test case id>
OSC 1.5.3 OCP 4.15.10 Azure
Additional helpful info
<logs, screenshot, doc links, etc.>
I was able to get pods to work after restarting all the peerpodconfig deamonset and the peer pod webhook pods. Appears nothing is checking for changes to the config. Or maybe it took a while for things to catchup.
- is duplicated by
HCIDOCS-310 Add note about restarting the daemonset to update config map in peer pods
- Closed
- links to
RHBA-2024:127642 RHBA: sandboxed-containers bug fix and enhancement update