Feature Overview (aka. Goal Summary)
One of the key tenets of confidential computing is to ensure the software stack has not been tampered with. This is achieved by measuring the software components against known good values. The process is known as attestation.
More details are in the following blog: https://www.redhat.com/en/blog/understanding-confidential-containers-attestation-flow
Goals (aka. expected user outcomes)
Customers should be able to setup CoCo environment on OpenShift by using reference values of the stack provided by Red Hat.
Further, customers should be able to create the pod VM image, capture the measurements of their pod VM image and feed it to KBS for verification as part of attestation process
Requirements (aka. Acceptance Criteria):
Ability to create pod VM image and capture measurements
Ability to populate Key Broker Service (KBS) with known good reference values of the software stack (RHEL CVM based podvm image, pod VM components etc)
Integrity protection of root file system
Attestation workflow making use of the reference values.