peer-pods-webhook pod is using the upstream image
Steps to reproduce
<What actions did you take to hit the bug?>
1. Install OSC operator 1.5.0
2. Create KataConfig and set enablePeerPods: true
3. Check peer-pods-webhook deployment manifest
oc get deploy peer-pods-webhook -n openshift-sandboxed-containers-operator -o yaml | grep image: image:
Expected result
The image should have been from
Actual result
<What actually happened?>
<How badly does this interfere with using the software?>
<Where was the bug found, i.e. OCP build, operator build, kata-containers build, cluster infra, test case id>
Additional helpful info
<logs, screenshot, doc links, etc.>
- links to
RHBA-2023:117874 RHBA: sandboxed-containers bug fix and enhancement update
- mentioned on