<What were you trying to do that didn't work?>
Building images from source using make targets build images that use defaults for production images due to using bundle-custom.Dockerfile. This file was added for automated builds. Manual builds should use the generated bundle.Dockerfile
Steps to reproduce
<What actions did you take to hit the bug?>
1. IMG=<someimage> make docker-build
2.BUNDLE_IMG=<somebundleimage> make bundle-build
3. install operator
Expected result
<What did you expect to happen?>
Bundle image is build that points to the custom operator image defined by IMG
Actual result
<What actually happened?>
A bundle image is built that points to the production build of the operator
<How badly does this interfere with using the software?>
Unusable images for testing
<Where was the bug found, i.e. OCP build, operator build, kata-containers build, cluster infra, test case id>
Additional helpful info
<logs, screenshot, doc links, etc.>
Point make bundle-build back to bundle.Dockerfile from bundle-custom.Dockerfile
Comment out the "bundle" line in the .dockerignore (needed for bundle.Dockerfile to work)