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  1. Openshift sandboxed containers
  2. KATA-1338

Monitor pods restarting numerous times before stablizing


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Duplicate
    • Icon: Medium Medium
    • OCP 4.11
    • OCP 4.11
    • Operator
    • 1
    • False
    • False
    • Kata Sprint #220
    • 0
    • 0.0


      When creating KataConfig resource, the monitor PODs goes through multiple restarts before stablizing

      Initial state

      $ oc get pods -n openshift-sandboxed-containers-operator
      NAME                                           READY   STATUS                 RESTARTS   AGE
      controller-manager-849cdfd7b4-74wfn            1/1     Running                0          10m
      openshift-sandboxed-containers-monitor-2f9zh   0/1     CreateContainerError   0          3m10s
      openshift-sandboxed-containers-monitor-2xg9m   0/1     CreateContainerError   0          3m10s
      openshift-sandboxed-containers-monitor-5jzb7   0/1     CreateContainerError   0          3m10s

      Final state

      $ oc get pods -n openshift-sandboxed-containers-operator
      NAME                                           READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
      controller-manager-849cdfd7b4-74wfn            1/1     Running   0          35m
      openshift-sandboxed-containers-monitor-2f9zh   1/1     Running   12         28m
      openshift-sandboxed-containers-monitor-2xg9m   1/1     Running   43         28m
      openshift-sandboxed-containers-monitor-5jzb7   1/1     Running   28         28m

      Steps to reproduce

      1. Create KataConfig
      2. Observe POD status

      Expected result

      Minimal restarts  for the container to be in ready state

      Actual result

      Frequent restarts


      Customer might get an impression that monitoring is not working 


      OCP 4.10, latest 1.2.0 operator

      Additional helpful info

      The POD fails to get created and throws the following error before restarting

      Generated from kubelet on ocp410-worker-0.ocp-groug.com
      Error: container create failed: time="2022-02-08T16:18:33Z" level=error msg="container_linux.go:380: starting container process caused: process_linux.go:545: container init caused: failed to set /proc/self/attr/keycreate on procfs: write /proc/self/attr/keycreate: invalid argument"


            bpradipt Pradipta Banerjee
            bpradipt Pradipta Banerjee
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            4 Start watching this issue
