Resolution: Done
JWS 3.1.0 GA, JWS 5.0_RHEL_GA
Documentation (Ref Guide, User Guide, etc.), User Experience
I have a few problems with Chapter 8 of the Installation Guide.
1) In other parts of the doc we tell users how to install with zip and RPM installations. Why not do that here?
2) Why are we telling users to copy jars around in the RPM installation...
NOTE In the tomcat-vault RPM installation, the vault jar is located in /usr/share/java/vault-tomcat-<VERSION>-jar-with-dependencies.jar. This jar can be used in JWS zip installation: JWS_HOME/tomcat_<VERSION>_/lib/ For JWS RPM installation: /usr/share/tomcat<VERSION>/lib.
I think the reason here is a bug in the RPM installation, so I filed JWS-755 to address that. Installing the package should put the necessary libraries in place without user intervention.
3) Does anyone else agree that providing a command with a default password invites potential security issues for new users? If you use the command without the storepass and keypass args it will prompt you for them.
$ keytool -genseckey -keystore JWS_HOME/tomcat-vault/vault.keystore -alias my_vault -storetype jceks -keyalg AES -keysize 128 -storepass my_password123 -keypass my_password123 -validity 730