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  1. JBoss Web Server
  2. JWS-2494

Create a separate JWS Operator doc


    • JWS/JBCS Sprint 24, JWS/JBCS Sprint 25, JWS/JBCS Sprint 26, JWS/JBCS Sprint 27, JWS/JBCS Sprint 28

      Create a separate JWS Operator doc based on the content in chapter 4 of the JWS for OpenShift guide. This will make it easier to publish JWS Operator doc releases independently of JWS.

      Use the modularized version of chapter 4 of the JWS for OpenShift guide as a basis for the new JWS Operator doc.

      Ensure that the new JWS Operator doc includes all doc updates and enhancements for the JWS Operator 2.0 release. 

              rhn-support-khosford Kieran Hosford
              rhn-support-khosford Kieran Hosford
              Shipra Singh
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              4 Start watching this issue
