Uploaded image for project: 'OpenShift Jenkins'
  1. OpenShift Jenkins
  2. JKNS-618

Jenkins CI Tests are failing


    • False
    • None
    • False
    • Sprint 263, Sprint 264, Sprint 265

      Description of problem:

      The CI tests for Jenkins are continuously failing for all open PRs. These tests are failing with following errors. 

      ART yum/dnf wrapper [125]: DNF will search for repo files in: /etc/yum.repos.art/ci   
      Last metadata expiration check: 0:00:16 ago on Mon 20 Jan 2025 06:02:24 AM UTC.   
      No match for argument: jenkins-2.462.3   
      Error: Unable to find a match: jenkins-2.462.3   
      error: build error: building at STEP "RUN /usr/local/bin/install-jenkins-core-plugins.sh /opt/openshift/bundle-plugins.txt && rm -rf /var/log/jenkins && chmod -R 775 /etc/alternatives && chmod -R 775 /var/lib/alternatives && chmod -R 775 /usr/lib/jvm && chmod 775 /usr/bin && chmod 775 /usr/share/man/man1 && mkdir -p /var/lib/origin && chmod 775 /var/lib/origin && chown -R 1001:0 /opt/openshift && /usr/local/bin/fix-permissions /opt/openshift && /usr/local/bin/fix-permissions /opt/openshift/configuration/init.groovy.d && /usr/local/bin/fix-permissions /var/lib/jenkins && /usr/local/bin/fix-permissions /var/log": while running runtime: exit status 1   
      INFO[2025-01-20T06:10:37Z] Build jenkins-agent-base-amd64 succeeded after 16m10s   
      INFO[2025-01-20T06:10:37Z] Retrieving digests of member images   
      INFO[2025-01-20T06:10:38Z] Image ci-op-66tpl1sw/pipeline:jenkins-agent-base created digest=sha256:f9447e511fbe50122996745227bd7d9d4c3dbbdf2a1e68e7ef063dce7034e6fb for-build=jenkins-agent-base   
      INFO[2025-01-20T06:10:38Z] Tagging jenkins-agent-base into stable   
      INFO[2025-01-20T06:10:38Z] Ran for 20m35s     
      ERRO[2025-01-20T06:10:38Z] Some steps failed:   
      ERRO[2025-01-20T06:10:38Z]   * could not run steps: step jenkins failed: error occurred handling build jenkins-amd64: the build jenkins-amd64 failed after 8m28s with reason DockerBuildFailed: Dockerfile build strategy has failed.   
      INFO[2025-01-20T06:10:38Z] Reporting job state 'failed' with reason 'executing_graph:step_failed:building_project_image'

      Workaround: None

      Prerequisites (if any, like setup, operators/versions):

      OCP 4.16/OCP 4.17

      Steps to Reproduce

       — Job failed.                     BaseSHA:27591cadf9327f13435e59c805c20d75e4dac780

       — Job failed.                     BaseSHA:27591cadf9327f13435e59c805c20d75e4dac780

       — Job failed.                     BaseSHA:27591cadf9327f13435e59c805c20d75e4dac780

      Actual results:

      PR Check Tests failing

      Expected results:

      Tests should pass

      Reproducibility (Always/Intermittent/Only Once):


      Acceptance criteria: 


      Definition of Done:

      Build Details:

      Additional info (Such as Logs, Screenshots, etc):



              rhn-support-prdhamdh Prashant Dhamdhere
              rhn-support-prdhamdh Prashant Dhamdhere
              0 Vote for this issue
              1 Start watching this issue
