Resolution: Done
User Story
As an OpenShift Engineer
I want to track the full set of plugin versions on GitHub
So that we can easily identify which plugins are needed when we create the downstream Jenkins image.
Acceptance Criteria
- Upstream plugin versions are tracked in a versioned file on GitHub.
- Upstream CI ensures that the plugin versions are up to date.
- Downstream Red Hat image build uses the "locked" set of plugin versions.
- ART process for OpenShift continues to function properly
Docs Impact
No product documentation.
We have an internal engineering doc on our CPaaS Pipeline that should be updated with this feature: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1uHL6cE3yAsaG_iq9xCN0WNsQtX0U1XSmq4URrC6tNJw/edit?usp=sharing
QE Impact
QE will need to verify that the image uses the plugins listed in the "locked" set.
PX Impact
None - this won't be released as a product (yet).
Pull requests:
- Script and make targets to generate the make target
- CI updates to verify the plugin list is up to date
- Updates to contributor documentation, and optional git hook to verify that base plugin file changes include changes to the "locked" plugin file.
- account is impacted by
JKNS-270 Download directly locked plugins version in CI when building the image
- Closed
- links to
- mentioned on
(7 mentioned on)