This is in TUNNEL.StubConnectionListener:
public void connectionStatusChange(int newState) {
if(currentState == RouterStub.STATUS_CONNECTED && newState == RouterStub.STATUS_CONNECTION_LOST)
else if(currentState != RouterStub.STATUS_CONNECTED && newState == RouterStub.STATUS_CONNECTED)
{ stopReconnecting(); Thread receiver = new Thread(Util.getGlobalThreadGroup(), new TunnelReceiver(), "TUNNEL receiver"); receiver.setDaemon(true); receiver.start(); } currentState = newState;
- 1: why do we need 3 states ? Why not just CONNECTED and DISCONNECTED ?
#2: the logic above is incorrect, as it doesn't handle all state transitions ! For example, if we go from DISCONNECTED to CONNECTION_LOST, we will not start the reconnector thread !
We can reproduce #2 through the following steps:
- Start node A (channel with with tunnel.xml) (GossipRouter is not running)
- Start node B (start GossipRouter then channel with tunnel.xml)
==> The nodes will not merge. Reason: there is never a CONNECT from node A, only REGISTER calls. If there is no CONNECT, we never set the GossipRouter$AddressEntry.output field and therefore can never send anything !