Resolution: Cannot Reproduce
When running the x-site replication tests (and only those tests - the others run fine) from the clustering testsuite in WildFly against JGroups 3.5, I encounter failures due to:
12:15:48,537 WARN [org.infinispan.xsite.BackupSenderImpl] (default task-1) ISPN000202: Problems backing up data for cache dist to site SFO: org.infinispan.util.concurrent.TimeoutException: Timed out after 10 seconds waiting for a response from SFO (sync, timeout=10000)
The logs preceding this indicate the cause of the timeout:
12:15:38,536 WARN [org.jgroups.protocols.UDP] (TransferQueueBundler,shared=udp) JGRP000032: null: no physical address for SiteMaster(NYC), dropping message 12:15:38,536 WARN [org.jgroups.protocols.UDP] (TransferQueueBundler,shared=udp) JGRP000032: null: no physical address for SiteMaster(SFO), dropping message 12:15:39,506 WARN [org.jgroups.protocols.UDP] (TransferQueueBundler,shared=udp) JGRP000032: null: no physical address for SiteMaster(SFO), dropping message 12:15:39,507 WARN [org.jgroups.protocols.UDP] (TransferQueueBundler,shared=udp) JGRP000032: null: no physical address for SiteMaster(NYC), dropping message
These messages repeat about 100 or so times over a period of 10 seconds.
A little investigation reveals that the process for fetching physical addresses for a given logical destination address has changed. In 3.4, a given call to sendToSingleMember(...) would attempt to lookup the physical address by sending a Event.GET_PHYSICAL_ADDRESS up the stack and wait a predetermined period for a response. Any concurrent calls to sendToSingleMember(...) would also wait, but only one thread in a given time period would ever send the Event.GET_PHYSICAL_ADDRESS event up the stack.
In 3.5 the process is different. In org.jgroups.protocols.TP, the FIND_MBRS event is used to lookup the phsyical addresses, instead of directly sending up a GET_PHYSICAL_ADDRESS event. However, looking at the implementation of the FIND_MBRS event handling within org.jgroups.protocols.Discovery, I see that this triggers a asynchronous GET_MBRS_REQ message. Since this message is sent asynchronously, this means that the response from the original FIND_MBRS event will most certainly be empty. Thus the thread that initiated the FIND_MBRS will most certainly log the PhysicalAddrMissing warning, as will any concurrent/subsequent calls to sendToSingleMember(...) for the same destination until that asynchronous processing completes. This is a departure from the logic in 3.4, where the thread initiating the physical address lookup would wait for some time for the address cache to be updated. I should think that the PhysicalAddrMissing warnings should stop once the original GET_MBRS_REQ message is handled, but that doesn't seem to be happening (hence the 100 or so sequential warning messages over a period of 10 seconds preceding the timeout log message from infinispan).
Curiously, I see a org.jgroups.protocols.TP.setPingData(...) method, which seems to be responsible for populating the physical address cache from the FIND_MBRS event results from org.jgroups.protocols.Discovery - however, this method doesn't seem to be referenced anywhere. Might that be the source of the problem?